The Guardian V The Sun

I recently saw the Guardian Ad by agency BBH. It centered around the 3 little pigs fairy tale and  I can honestly say I love it! It takes a fairy tale we all know and looks at real life issues. Have a look at it here, if you haven’t already seen it.

Then I had a little look at all the spoof ones flying about (a great sign of a good video) and saw one for The Sun….


Did School Really Prepare Me For Work?

I’ve realised that if I were to go back to Year 11 and try to resit my GCSE exams, I would most probably fail.  So I started to think, did school really prepare me for work or did it just teach me to learn pointless facts only to regurgitate it during an exam or in coursework?

I came up with a little list of things which I either have no idea about anymore (maybe never did) or things learnt which were totally pointless.

  1. What the Sin, Cos or Tan buttons are for on a scientific calculator. Call me crazy but after my GCSE maths exam I never needed to use these buttons again, im not a mathmagician nor do I strive to ever be one.  I can’t even remember the last time I used a scientific calculator. The calculator on my phone has all the buttons I’ll ever need: divide, addition, subtract and multiply….all the buttons the average adult will ever need.
  2. What colours mix together to make what. Art was never my strong point. I’ll hold my hands up and say I never really took it seriously, but come on….it was art, I don’t think most people did. If I want my wall to be dark green, I’m going to buy the dark green paint. None of this mixing malarkey to save myself 50p.
  3. How to play an instrument. Aww the joys of going to a school where 1-between-2 was a regular occurrence. Between a shared keyboard with pre-installed songs and singing songs my music teacher had created (talk about ego boost), the lessons were a massive waste of time. I didn’t find a love for playing the triangle or tambourine nor was I a good enough singer to ever have a singing solo.
  4. Physics formulas. I remember trying to cram all the formulas into my head just before physics exams. I can safely say, no one (as of yet) has come up to me and asked when a train would reach Manchester Piccadilly if it as travelling from London Euston in a steady speed of 20mph with two 10 minute stops. This is a bit annoying, as the only formula which I seem to remember is speed equals distance over time. *sigh*
  5. Different types of wood. Who even cares about the different types of wood? Ikea do it all now.
  6. The sexist textile lessons were as useful and the food technology lessons. I believe I was not meant to be a seamstress nor a Michelin star cook. I can sew the odd button and can cook the hell out of a potato but past that it gets abit…misty.
  7. The life cycle of a moth/whale/bat or some other random animal. With the whole missing bee issue we’ve been having, you would think this sort of information would be important, but nope, can’t remember anything.

Instead schools should teach:

  1. How to talk like you know what you’re saying.
  2. Ways to look like your working, when you’re not.
  3. Playing the blame game.
  4. How to lie.
  5. Things not to say to your boss/co workers/CEO.
  6. How to hide a hangover at work.
  7. The acceptable level of drunkenness on a work night out.

My (Belated) New Years Resolutions

It has been a little while since I last made a blog post…my bad! Thought I would share my New Years Resolutions.

  1. Be able to wear the same size clothes I did at the end university – This means PUTTING THE FORK DOWN and actually hitting the gym.
  2. Actually sticking to all these calorie counter programmes, not just mess with the numbers if I don’t like what they are saying.
  3. Trap Find a good bloke suitable of bf title – Male MUST have his own teeth, a job,driving license and have not served time under her majesties pleasure.
  4. Ring T-Mobile and change my contract – This doesn’t seem like a big one…but I’ve been putting it of for months, just letting the stupid network rip me off, highway
  5. Wear heels at least once a week – By spring, I should be good enough to walk without looking like I’ve got something stuffed up their.
  6. Learn to drive – Cancelled trains and busses brings out the crazy in people….me included.
  7. Start and finish the 30 EA Active challenge in 30 ACTUAL calendar days – 5th time is the charm!
  8. Book/plan a holiday to remember – fingers crossed I win the Euromillions and can go to Japan, Thailand, Australia, South Africa and the US.
  9. Drink wine like its juice  and Vodka orange like its water and regret nothing the following morning…unless it involves flashing….oh lord please let there be no flashing.

9 seems like a bit of a random number to end on… oh well, maybe I’ll be able to keep to all 9 this way! Wish my luck.

What Is Wrong With TV – Reality Shows!

There has been a recent boom in crappy reality TV shows recently, ‘Made in Chelsea’, ‘The Only Way is Essex’, ‘Desperate Scousewives’…i’m sure there are more that I have just decided to block out. I don’t have an issue with cameras following  interesting people who are actually doing things that the public should know about but the mind numbing stuff on C4, E4 and ITV2 now are just crazy.

It’s one thing to have cameras follow round celebs, (although why on earth would anyone want to watch Kerry Katona and her car crash life?  Or Katie’s life with or without Peter?) at least these people are already in the public eye. Kerry was in Atomic Kitten (apparently she hasn’t always been a slurring mess) and Katie…er….was a glamour ‘model’.  What I can’t stand are the average Joes, who think they are interesting enough to be on my TV!

Everyone thinks they deserve to be on TV.  Maybe I wouldn’t mind as much, if the producers/directors or whoever sent these people out to get a few acting lessons under their belt. If they are going to appear on a scripted reality show (this phrase doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, as a show is either reality or scripted like a tv soap) then the acting show hide the fact its scripted. I hold my hands up and say I watch alot of crap, Underage and Pregnant, Food Network Challenge and I Used To Be Fat, so I’m assuming these reality shows are targeted towards me but as these ‘stars’ (I use that term loosely) are getting their own spin-off shows, doubling the amount of crap being aired, i’m not to happy.

It seems anyone who ticks any of the following are allowed a show:

  • Semi attractive
  • Has money to splash around
  • Is a glamour ‘model’
  • Owns a nightclub/salon/cloths shop
  • Loud
  • Most importantly of all is a drama queen ‘will tell it like it is’

The amount of shows are only set to increase folks.
